
Greetings fine wanderer of the web, and welcome to the home of the Dwarven Warriors Cup (DWC): a special annual Dutch Old School gathering.

... But Jesus, when i meet the Dutch, i just jump on and go along for the ride. If you ever get the chance to sling with the Dutch of 4000, roll with it and enjoy!
– MG (Magnus de Laval, Fishliver Oil Cup Ed. 3)

The tournaments birthfather and host is Sir Erwin Demmer, an avid Dutch enchanter from the great city of Voorthuizen. The tournament is invite-only and rumour has it that the amount of lobbying required to get anywhere close to attaining such an invitation is - unfortunately - well beyond true madness. Or is it?.

Erwin makes sure he provides his guests an insouciant and awesome time through his endless hospitality. Which he takes as seriously as slinging his old cardboard, seemingly effortless and with maximum amount of joy.

The DWC follows strict rules regarding its cardpool: only limited coresets Alpha and Beta are allowed to be taken into battle. Therefore, you're guaranteed as much throwback as possible - outrivalled by Alpha40 only - and you'll end up in an era where only the mere basics apply. DWC honors the B n' R of our Swedish collegues; modern rules, as is accustomed, apply.

2024: AB4K as played by Alpha Males

As the ancient scrolls of Magic are unfurled once more, a select gathering of the most seasoned spellcasters has been called to compete in a tournament unlike any other. This year, the Alpha-Beta Magic the Gathering tournament will echo the primordial days of our beloved game, harkening back to the very origins of spellcasting prowess.

In this hallowed competition, the rules of the Alpha 40 League will guide the duels, yet with a twist that only the most cunning of mages can appreciate: Beta cards will be somewhat permitted, but only as long as the Alpha 40 League authorities will remain ignorant of their presence. Needless to say, regarding the full weight of the consequences and penalties: all damages resulting from the violation of keeping this a secret shall rest solely upon the shoulders of the transgressor.

Yet, do not be deceived by the inclusion of Beta cards; while these artifacts may offer new opportunities, they must be wielded with the wisdom and restraint befitting a true Alpha 40 disciple. The path to victory will be fraught with peril, as the spirits of the earliest spellcasters watch from beyond, judging those who dare to tread upon the sacred ground of this tournament.

Therefore, this years rules read as follows:

  • Alpha 40 League rules (for those who have been living under a rock, read them here)
  • Trial summer 2024 mulligan rule, which can be read here (rule 23)
  • Proxy cards printed in Beta are considered appropriate (notably, Circle of Protection: Black and some obscure land cards)
  • Additionally, standard AB4K rules, such as the restriction of Control Magic, still apply
  • In case of contradicting and/or ambiguous rules and/or ambivalent interpretation, the conflict will be resolved over a round of drinks. In case the score has not yet been settled, repeat prior actions until players have reached an agreement or any one of the players passes out.

Needless to say, Beta cards will be considered proxies and are frowned upon, though still allowed as tools of the trade, as per usual in AB4K. Stoning wizards who, out of bitter necessity, have decided to own and/or play with Beta cards, is discouraged for the duration of the tournament.

The 2024 Wizard's council of Yore

As keen observers will notice, the ranks of adventurous Wizards are steadily growing in both strength and number. The ancient art of spellcasting is regaining its prominence, with AB4K increasingly recognized as the true and righteous path to mastering the fine arts of magic.

However, one must remain vigilant and not be deceived, for some apprentices harbor foul intentions and their spells are false. Their insatiable hunger for power sometimes drives them to conjure boundaries of a certain pale hue, which we dare not name here. Such misguided souls will inevitably stray from the path and descend into darkness, for powerful spells are not meant for the faint of heart. Only true Wizards will endure; only the wisest will prevail.

After careful deliberation by the oldest and wisest of the tribe, these are the Wizards who have been summoned to this year’s summit. They will be challenged to present their most flavorful yet potent concoctions of long-forgotten spells. Behold:

  1. Edo Hoksbergen
  2. Henky Tanky
  3. Richard Stierman
  4. Dy
  5. Schnitzeltank
  6. Demmer
  7. Hunter de Jaegher(USA)
  8. Benja (BE)
  9. One of the Cramers
  10. The other Cramer
  11. Evert the Legend
  12. Sexy Kangaroo (GER)
  1. Martin el Purrio (GER)
  2. Jordi Purple (ESP)
  3. Juancho the Force (ESP)
  4. Lluís Corgi (ESP)
  5. Alexander Höper (GER)
  6. Monthausen (BE)
  7. Chefke
  8. Aniesch
  9. Emiel van Daele
  10. Ron (Freezecountry)
  11. Buhler
  12. Jonnie (SWE)

The Wall of Stone

These battles are hard-fought. No alliance can be built upon. Each sorcerer must harness everything within himself in the persuasion of victory. A second of ignorance leads to the ruination of one. Sacrifices must be made, all will mustered and the enemy be faced head-on.

2018, June 24th - Dwarven Warriors Cup I (10 players)
1st - Jason Schwartz
2nd - Magnus De Laval (Black-White Midrange)

2019, June 23rd - Dwarven Warriors Cup II (22 players)
1st - Dyan de Rochemont (Mono Black)
2nd - Marty Silenus (Vise Gauntlet)
3rd - Edo Hoksbergen (Black Green)

2020, August 8th - Dwarven Warriors Cup III - (24 players)
1st - Dyan de Rochemont (Mono Black)
2nd - Ron Dijkstra (Mono Black)
3rd - Magnus De Laval (Black-White Midrange)

2021, August 4th - Dwarven Warriors Cup IV - (25 players)
1st - Dyan de Rochemont (RWUb Trollion Angel)
2nd - Evert Visser (UR Bumping Heads)
3rd - Juan López Buzón (RG Midrange)

2022, August 13th - Dwarven Warriors Cup V - (34 players + Timmy Talks live)
1st - Albert Berg (RWUb)
2nd - Erwin Demmer (BRuw midrange)
3rd - Edo Hoksbergen (UW control)

2023, September 23rd - Dwarven Warriors Cup VI - (Brothers War: 2 Headed Giant, Team Unified, 24 players)
1st - Cramer (UW control) und Kramer (BR burnhate)
2nd - Henk (RG landdestruction) & Richard (BW landdestruction)
3rd - Edo (BR) & Anies (UW)

Troubling news

These are daunting times. The senior uppermanagement of the tournament has received whispers of upcoming riots. Due to personal threats, Sir Demmer was forced to take precautionary measures and neither he nor his family has left the 4000 residence without 2 bouncers (1 alpha, 1 beta Unsummon) at their side for six months now. That, combined with formal and forceful complains by a certain Mr. Edo H. – who wishes to remain anonymous – has lead Sir Demmer to have no other choice but to retire the trusted tradition of powered and unpowered pools.

Thus, unlike previous years, let it be known that henceforth:

The Wizards Council will be split up in powered and unpowered pools no longer.

Word on the street is that Demmers' official standpoint is: "With great power, comes great responsibility". This statement is yet to be confirmed.

Graphé de Pugna

Behold, but a glimpse of the festivities and comradery that can be witnessed by the participating Wizards.

Upcoming Event

Dwarven Warriors #7
- AlphaBeta 40 League

September 28th, 2024
10:30 Meetup

Tournament ends after the last man can either no longer stand up straight or keep his eyes open.

Breaking News!

january, 2022: Drain Power receives Dwarven Oracle text update!

Read all about it in the rules section of AB4K!

Past Events

Dwarven Warriors #5

August 13th, 2022

Dwarven Warriors #4

August 7th, 2021

Dwarven Warriors #3

August 8th, 2020

Dwarven Warriors #2

June 23rd, 2019